Post-Award,” pp. 287–299 · Chapter 22, “More Post-Award Considerations,” pp. 301–310 · Chapter 23, “Budget

Incorporating the cumulative feedback you have  received from your Instructor, compile these Assignments into your grant  proposal: For this Assignment: Review feedback you have received from your  Instructor on Parts 1–3 of the Final Project. Incorporate this feedback  as appropriate or desired into the final product. Compile the following into your grant proposal: Gitlin, L. N., & Lyons, K. J. (2014). (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer. · Chapter 21, “Welcome to the World of Post-Award,” pp. 287–299 · Chapter 22, “More Post-Award Considerations,” pp. 301–310 · Chapter 23, “Budget Management,” pp. 311–315

Sample references