according the text and cite an example of when you were in a situation that

What does “communication” mean to you? How has it changed since you started this course? Define and give an example of the 3 types of noise that you have experienced in your own life. Discuss the differences between synchronous and asynchronous communication? When is one more ideal/advantageous over the other? In class we talked about times in our lives when we have made safe choices and times when we have taken risks. Define both terms according the text and cite an example of when you were in a situation that was a psychological risk.  Also cite an example of a situation that was a psychological safety. Give an example of how perception works by showing something from your experience that illustrates how two people can look at the same thing and have completely different perceptions.  Be sure that you incorporate the definition of perception from our text and class discussions. How would you explain to someone else that you wanted them to be an active listener rather than someone that gave advice?  What does it mean to be an active listener? Explain Rapport and Report talk, including who is most likely to use them.  Use examples when necessary. What do we mean when we say “people determine meaning”? Give an example to support your answer. Discuss the benefits and risks of self-disclosure? Consider the discussion of ethics in communication in Chapter 1 while you consider the following.  Write a Code of Ethics regarding communication behavior in one of the following settings: your family, this class, a club or organization to which you belong, this college or university, etc. What would you do?  You are a teacher that will be evaluated by your supervisor at the end of the week. On the same day, teachers may pay $5 for “dress down” day and the proceeds benefit breast cancer research. You must decide whether to dress down or dress professionally for the observation.  What do you do? We often send others mixed messages or complain that others are sending them to us.  Give an example of a mixed message that you have either given or received. Using concepts from the text, why were we able to make assumptions about the woman’s photograph that we analyzed in class? Upward and downward social comparisons can be beneficial or harmful.  Explain and give an example of each (a total of 4 examples). You are standing at a busy bakery counter and the clerk has waited on three customers who came in after you. She’s about to wait on someone else who just came in the door and now you are ready to assert yourself.  Prepare a statement that explains the problem, clearly states what the other person should do, and has only “I” messages.

Sample references