following) -The responses accurately and clearly suggest a detailed best practice that is fully aligned

Based on your appraisal of articles(which is attached), in a critical appraisal . , of the research ( ) You can also add any others including the other references at bottom of page. Must be within last 5 years and professional references Use All paragraphs must have 3 or more sentences. To include: . State the purpose of the paper in the last sentence in one concise statement and is specific to the assignment.. (see following) -The responses accurately and clearly suggest a detailed best practice that is fully aligned to the research reviewed. The responses accurately and clearly explain in detail the best practice, with sufficient justification of why this represents a best practice in the field. The responses provide a complete, detailed, and specific synthesis of resources reviewed on the best practice explained. Must have at least 4-5 references (4 are from what was reviewed Accurate, complete, and full APA citations are provided for the research reviewed. at the end of your paper before your reference page -Ferris, A., Price, A., & Harding, K. (2019). Pressure ulcers in patients receiving palliative care: A systematic review. Palliative Med, 33 (7), 770-782. -McGinnis E, Brown S, Collier H, Faulks P, Gilberts R, Greenwood C, et al. Pressure Relieving Support SUrfaces: a Randomised Evaluation 2 (PRESSURE 2) photographic validation sub?study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2017;18(1):132 -Norman, G., Dumville, J. C., Moore, Z. E., Tanner, J., Christie, J., & Goto, S. (2016). Antibiotics and antiseptics for pressure ulcers. Cochrane Library. -Schlüer, A. B. (2017). Pressure ulcers in maturing skin–a clinical perspective. Journal of tissue viability, 26(1), 2-5.