points for the secondary post. For your initial post, you must have two academic peer-reviewed


of working for each gender. Use real life experiences if applicable. For each discussion, you are required to write an initial post (300 words) and one secondary post (200 words). The discussion forums will be worth 40 points apiece—25 points for the initial post and

During the course of your employment you may have experienced working for both a male and female supervisor. Discuss from your personal point of view the advantages/disadvantages and like/dislike of working for each gender. Use real life experiences if applicable. For each discussion, you are required to write an initial post (300 words) and one secondary post (200 words).  The discussion forums will be worth 40 points apiece—25 points for the initial post and 15 points for the secondary post.  For your initial post, you must have two academic peer-reviewed articles for references.  You must get them from the library.  There are directions at the top of our Moodle page showing how to utilize the library.