tomorrow. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, you need to assign resources

I need someone to update my microsoft project.It’s due tonight but I can wait til tomorrow. Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, you need to assign resources to each activity. Remember only assign resources to activities, not other items on the WBS. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects. To create a Resource sheet, click on View, Resource Sheet. Enter the Resource name, whether it is a human resource, a cost, or a material. Once this is finished, one can tie these resources to individual activities. Don’t worry about costs, as that is next week’s work. To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below. Assign and costs to the tasks that you have already entered. There are several methods to check for over-allocated resources. Most projects have fixed costs to account for. These are such things as mortgages and other costs that do not change with production. Fixed costs need to be accounted for in projects. If your project has fixed costs, follow the following steps. The following steps should be followed when setting up your project fixed costs with Microsoft Project: Most projects have variable costs. These are costs that change with the amount of work being done. These are commonly seen as dollar per hour costs. Most of your resources will be dollar per hour costs. Follow the steps below to enter this data.