with his or her success in school. Identify 1 research-based method that you could use

Increasing and Reducing Behavior Describe the behavior of a student (real or fabricated) that interferes with his or her success in school. Identify 1 research-based method that you could use to reduce the behavior, and describe how you might apply that method in your classroom. Describe the target behavior of a student (real or fabricated) that you would like to establish or encourage in the classroom or school environment. Identify 1 research-based technique that you could use to increase the behavior, and describe how you might apply that technique in your classroom. For your replies, expound on the thread by incorporating additional research or relaying a personal/professional experience. Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 4 and your replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the same module/week.