December 31, 2023

PowerPoint Presentation You will create an 8-10 slide (not including the title and reference slide) presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. The presentation should provide an overview of the arguments, ideas, facts, and information students will be applying to their final paper. The information should be presented in a visually compelling manner and discuss how the information […]

aware that this presentation should not simply be cut and paste from the actual paper Read More »

aware that this presentation should not simply be cut and paste from the actual paper


15799 1) PERSONALSWOT MATRIX/QUADRANT2) PERSONAL COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE (at least two)3) CORE COMPETENCIES ( at least two)——————————————MAIN EXAMPLE #1 – DESCRIPTOR #1 – SUB #1 – SUB #2 – DESCRIPTOR #2 – SUB #1 – SUB #2 – DESCRIPTOR #3 – SUB #1 – SUB #2Example:Purchase the answer to view it .

Marketing SWOT Assignment Read More »

Marketing SWOT Assignment

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Complete a 3 page paper on the philosophy of the U.S. corrections system. How has the philosophy of the U.S. corrections system changed over the years? What effects has the change had? What court cases contributed to the change? In your paper include a title sheet and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet.

paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the Read More »

paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the


Implementation/Nursing actions: What are interventions that would ensure the safety of your client in regard to culture? Address the patient objectives. For example, if your client has religious beliefs that affect the ability to take medications, what interventions would you create to ensure their safety or cultural needs are met?

to culture? Address the patient objectives. For example, if your client has religious beliefs that Read More »

to culture? Address the patient objectives. For example, if your client has religious beliefs that


15799 Question description Outline the most significant elements or steps of the task upon which the training will focus (See Assignment 1). Using the selected adult learning theory from Assignment 1, analyze the how the theory would support the learners’ mastery of the task. Justify your response. Propose one or more instructional settings for the

Planning the Training Read More »

Planning the Training

essays help