750-1000 word Opinion Essay: High School Segregation by Gender

Question description
Write a 750-1000 word Opinion on your chosen topic. You will not use research.
My Topic: High School Segregation by Gender
In your essay include the following:
1. State what side of the issue you are taking and why.
2. Why do you believe what you believe?
Include a clear thesis that states what side you are taking and why.
– Write an introduction, 3 or more body paragraphs and a conclusion.
– No sources are required for this essay.
– Focus on your opinion and what you think. However, be sure to support your points with examples and explain your point of view in detail.
Remember to follow the MLA format for submitting your paper:
* Double spaced
* 750-1000 words in length
* 12-point font
* MLA Format for name, etc.