Human Factors-‘Why are some individuals more susceptible to breaking the law than others?
Breaking The Law – Why Individuals are Susceptible. Just to clarify, this is an EPQ essay (Extended Project Qualification) – There is no syllabus that needs to stick  so your task is to use the highest quality sources/information possible and, if you feel it is appropriate, replace, alter or add to any of the three main subsections and points. This is an extremely important essay that needs to be complete to the highest standard possible. Do not to make it too concise or too prose-y.  The  general plan for this essay is to have a strong introduction followed by three main subsections/titles. The extent to which crimes are happening by 1. Social factors, 2. Human factors and 3. Locational factors. A strong but not necessarily opinionated conclusion should follow, as I can always fill in afterwards. In regards to the three sub-topics, please write in the following structure and sub-headings.
Explanation of the factor as well and the extent to which it affects/causes crime / Evidence / Case Study / Evaluation.  For general guidance for what to write within each of these subsections, for SOCIAL FACTORS, try and write about ethnicity and culture (tying into the modern day with things like ethnic minorities), for HUMAN FACTORS, try and have personality at the forefront, with age and/or upbringing being another focus, and finally, for LOCATIONAL FACTORS. Explore things like the ‘Broken Window’ effect – general geographical location and its consequences (how wealthy a place is, what the government is like, etc.). Include any key definitions at the start of each sub-section.
Further Description
For the introduction, Use something similar to THIS: ‘Sandy Hook Elementary School had 456 children enrolled into Kindergarten through to fourth grade. Newtown is located in Fairfield County, Connecticut, about 60 miles outside New York City. In the town crime was rare with just 28,000 residents. The number of people breaking the law was increasing. Just one homicide had happened in the town in the ten years prior to the school shootings. 20 year old Adam Lanza was carrying a stash of hundreds of rounds of ammo. When he heard police approaching the classroom where he gunned down helpless children he shot himself in the head. 20 children age 6 or 7 and 6 adults are shot on the day with a high power rifle. The Gunman, Adam was  bright but awkward student with no close friends.
In high school he was involved with a technology group, where the club leader said he had “some disabilities” and seemed not to feel pain like the other members. He required special supervision when using tools for things like soldering and occasionally had “episodes” in which he seemed to withdraw completely from his surroundings. Lanza had never been involved with or had a criminal history before.’