city data from “longlat.txt” into cities[i] 3. Loop Begin: read “path.txt” one line at a

Typhoon warning system assignment for one extra credit. Measure the distance from Typhoon center to the city? You need to know: 1. struct, typrdef, float, array of struct, int, char 2. for/while/ or do {}while 3. if. if else, 4. fopen(), fclose(), fscanf() Program outline: NOTE: We use longitude and latitude as if x and y in 2D space! 1. Create an array of CITY data structure => cities[ 80 or so ] 2. Read city data from “longlat.txt” into cities[i] 3. Loop Begin: read “path.txt” one line at a time. The 1 st line is: 1.0 0.7 25.0 135.0 0 June 30 This reads (See File format below): a) very strong wind area is within radius 1 from the typhoon center b) terribly strong wind and rain is within radius 0.7 from the typhoon center c) typhoon center latitude is 25.0 d) typhoon center longitude is 135.0 e) 24 hour clock time is 0 c’clock f) month is June g) date is 30 Now, go through cities [ ] to find out if a city is within the very strong wind area or terribly strong wind and rain area. Printing example: July 2, 1200: Kumamoto strong wind Loop End File format of “path.txt”: a b c d e f g a: very strong wind area radius b: terribly strong wind and rain radius c: typhoon center latitude d: typhoon center longitude e: 24 hour clock time f: month g: date File data: 1.0 0.7 25.0 135.0 0 June 30 1.0 0.7 26.0 134.4 6 July 1 1.0 0.7 27.0 134.0 12 July 1 0.9 0.7 28.0 133.0 18 July 1 0.9 0.7 29.0 132.5 24 July 1 0.9 0.6 30.0 132.0 6 July 2 0.9 0.6 30.6 132.0 12 July 2 0.9 0.6 31.5 132.0 18 July 2 ……. File format of “longlat.txt” City-name latitude longitude File data: Tokyo 35.685 139.751389 ?saka 34.683333 135.516667 Yokohama 35.433333 139.65 Nagoya 35.183333 136.9 Fukuoka 33.6 130.416667 Sapporo 43.066667 141.35 Sendai 38.266667 140.866667 roshima 34.4 132.45 Ky?to 35.016667 135.75 K?be 34.683333 135.183333 Shinkawasaki 35.550193 139.670327 Hamamatsu 34.7 137.733333 Zahana 26.166667 127.666667 Okayama 34.65 133.933333 Kumamoto 32.783333 130.733333 Shizuoka 34.983333 138.383333 Utsunomiya 36.566667 139.883333 Nagano 36.65 138.183333 Hachi?ji 35.655833 139.323889 Niigata 37.9 139.0 Kagoshima 31.566667 130.55 Kanazawa 36.6 136.616667 ?tsu 35.0 135.866667 Mitsuhama 33.85 132.716667 Tsu 34.733333 136.516667 ?ita 33.233333 131.6 Tokushima 34.066667 134.566667 Wakayama 34.233333 135.166667 Nagasaki 32.75 129.883333 Gifu 35.433333 136.783333 Iwaki 37.05 140.883333 Asahikawa 43.767778 142.370278 Mito 36.35 140.45 Maebashi 36.4 139.083333 Kawagoe 35.908611 139.485278 K?chi 33.55 133.533333 Takamatsu 34.333333 134.05 Toyama 36.7 137.216667 Miyazaki 31.916667 131.416667 Akita  39.716667 140.1 Hakodate 41.775833 140.736667 Aomori 40.816667 140.733333 Morioka 39.7 141.15 Fukushima 37.75 140.466667 Yamagata 38.233333 140.366667 Fuku 36.04803 136.188686 Shinkai 33.956834 130.984615 Ashino 43.015176 144.397259 K?fu 35.666667 138.566667 Kure 34.23222 132.566583 raokamachi 40.609461 140.453279 Takaoka 36.75 137.016667 Matsue 35.483333 133.05 Muroran 42.317222 140.988056 Tottori 35.5 134.233333 Otaru 43.189444 141.002222 Kitami 43.803056 143.890833 Sakata 38.916667 139.855 Tsuruoka 38.721667 139.821667 Naka-maizuru 35.466667 135.366667 Kasano 31.390993 130.903752 Onagawa Ch? 38.444912 141.432692 Matsuyama 33.833333 132.766667 Inuotose 40.601757 141.326615 Saitama 35.9 139.65 rado 33.368533 129.552469 Naha 26.216667 127.683333 Kozakai-ch? 34.8 137.358889 Nara 34.683333 135.833333 Furudate 40.529338 141.305532 Fukui 36.066667 136.216667 Uchimaru 40.514368 141.492673 Saga 35.6 140.116667 Yawatahama-shi 33.488334 132.354167 Yamaguchi 35.6 140.116667 Chiba 35.6 140.116667 Ikata-ch? 33.488334 132.354167 Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it