Discussion: Creating A Culture Of Engagement

[T]he way to create a culture of retention is, in fact, to create a culture of engagement and contribution.
—Jo Manion (2004, p. 30)When employees feel engaged and motivated, they are often more committed to an organization. Organizational commitment is broadly defined as an employee’s intent to stay with the organization. Nurse managers can have significant influence on an organization’s culture and thereby on employee engagement and commitment.To preparePost an evaluation of a recent or past workplace by sharing the total score of your survey. Explain whether this score accurately captures the culture of this workplace. Identify the culture cluster that you consider the most critical to address, and suggest at least one intervention you could initiate to effectively change this aspect of the workplace’s culture. Explain how this culture encouraged or diminished your feelings of organizational commitment.Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches: Purchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view it