Levis strauss and managing efficiency in a global supply chain
The essay is about a company called Levis Strauss. Please ensure that you use at least 5 academic sources and use in-text Harvard referencing style Also please ensure that the data is up to date as there were many changes in the company. In the introduction write about: Describe the current type of ownership; e.g. is it a public limited company? If yes, at which stock exchange are they listed? Who is the CEO (manager)? What management style is he/she known for? Can you find information about his / her personality? Any scandals? Which strategy does Levis Strauss follow? Cost leadership? Differentiation through innovation? Market development? Product development? Diversification? • Which entry mode does your company use? Why?
Further Guidelines
  What are the opportunities and threats in the host country according to your case study?. Have a look into news articles of specialized newspaper, such as the Financial Times, the Economist, and Forbes ***** Focus more on the main body as the introduction can be just – 200-290 words long the rest of the words should account for the main body 1000 words and around 100 words for the conclusion.**** In the main body please write about: Main body is the most important part of the essay! What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a high number of diverse suppliers in a diverse range of countries? Which issues did Levi’s face in the 1990s and how has Levi’s solved them? What are important factors when choosing suppliers?
How can buyer-supplier relationships be strengthened and integrated? How Levi is approaching these aspects?. See additional readings below: course book Needle, 2015, chapter 11 Carr, A.S., and J.N. Pearson (1999) ‘Strategically managed buyer-supplier relationships and performance outcomes’, Journal of Operations Management, 17(5): 497-519. Fisher, M.L. (1997) ‘What is the right supply chain for your product’, Harvard Business Review, 75(2): 105-117. Mentzer, J.T., W. DeWitt, J.S. Keebler, S. Min, N.W. Nix, C.D. Smith, and Z.G. Zachariah (2001) ‘Defining supply chain management’, Journal of Business Logistics, 22(2): 1-25. Verma, R., and M.E. Pullman (1998) ‘An analysis of the supplier selection process’, Omega, 26(6):739-750
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