Coding Work

IntroductionUse appropriate tools and build, configure and deploy an application to AWS instances. BuildFollowing are the commands to start the application. Clone the git repo on
npm installNpm start Implement a build system that constructs a deployable package for this code.ConfigureUse any config management tools ansible, chef, puppet, salt, etc. to configure your instances. DeployWrite Terraform or cloud formation or scripts or configurations to deploy this minimal application on AWS using Linux. Use any tools, languages, or APIs you think are appropriate, but automate everything you can. Have you thought about how will application can autoscale, load balance, detect failures and alert. Discuss your solution and how will you improve it. Is your solution scalable, is it secure, how easy it is to deploy changes, how easy it is to troubleshoot or track changes to the code, how can you implement logging, alerting for your application.