i need a powerpoint done

Pretend you are a Police Academy instructor who needs to develop a PowerPoint presentation for police officers on an emerging technology that addresses a long-standing police issue.  Your choice of topics is as follow: Video Recording of Police-Citizen Encounters/Body Cameras Begin by reading the relevant sections of your textbook, but don’t be limited by what is covered; there have been great technological advances since the book was published.  The presentation should address the following questions: A.    What does the new technology do?B.     Why is it needed?  What long-standing police issue does this technology address?C.    How was the problem handled up to this point?D.    How does the technology work? (Don’t get too technical.)E.     What are its strengths?F.     What are its weaknesses, risks, or unintended consequences? At a minimum, the presentation should be 10 slides with at least 4 sources.  EACH SLIDE MUST CONTAIN THE CITATION FOR EACH SOURCE OF INFORMATION OR GRAPHIC USED IN THE SLIDE.