integrating, and protecting people with disabilities. When and how should non-disabled school children be taught


please use internet source ). The following entity have some responsibility for dealing with, integrating, and protecting people with disabilities. When and how should non-disabled school children be taught about the many health conditions that exist, i.e. autism, learning disorders, Tourette`s , blindness, etc.?What should

Hello. Please help me to write a clear,coherent, 2-3 page essay. This paper should make recommendations, rather than general statements like, “the disabled should be treated with respect and dignity.” That`s true, but how do we make that happen? It should be double-spaced, and also offer solutions rather than platitudes. You to support your arguments; a minimum of must be used( please use internet source ). The following entity have some responsibility for dealing with, integrating, and protecting people with disabilities. When and how should non-disabled school children be taught about the many health conditions that exist, i.e. autism, learning disorders, Tourette`s , blindness, etc.?What should they learn about these conditions? What role should high schools, colleges, and community agencies such as after-school programs do to increase awareness and sensitivity? How about teacher and staff training?Can anything be done to prevent tragedies like the disappearance of Avonte Oquendo, a boy who ran out of his public school building and was later found dismembered in a local waterway? Should classes for the disabled be segregated, or should disabled student be integrated into the general education classroom? What are the arguments for and against full inclusion? If you know someone who has(or Had) an IEP, feel free to include the pros and cons of their experience. Thank you and please do not complicate  with complex words too much.