Opportunity to integrate new knowledge into practice

Opportunity to integrate new knowledge into practice
Opportunity to integrate new knowledge into practice
Welcome to the Clinical Practice Experience (CPE) for this course. The CPE for the Master of Science in Nursing program core courses consists of a variety of semi-structured activities. CPE provides the opportunity to integrate new knowledge into practice and to attain the identified professional competencies (AACN, 2016).  By completing all the activities and evidence listed within this document, and earning a grade of “Competent,” you will earn 25 indirect CPE hours for this course.*
CPE Objective:
In this CPE, you will take on the role of an advanced professional nurse responsible for molding policy issues facing the nursing profession and healthcare. You will build on the knowledge gained thus far in your MSN core course work and learn more about how to lead and educate interprofessional teams to build and advance policy advocacy by developing an advocacy plan for a social determinant of your choosing.
In this CPE, you will experience the role of an advanced professional nurse in two phases:

· Phase 1: You will research and plan for advocacy.
· Phase 2: You will develop the structure for your advocacy team.
Student Instructions:
· Complete and date the required activities
· Type in your name and date the top of this form
· Type in the name of your faculty of record for this course (your assigned Course Instructor)
· Submit the completed CPE Record for evaluation


Date Activity Completed

Review all of the activity and evidence requirements for this CPE, including Phase 1 and Phase 2. Break down each activity from each phase into strategic tasks and specific due dates in order to meet the activity deadlines. Create a CPE schedule table in your e-portfolio that lists your tasks, due dates, and estimated time needed to complete each activity.

Review health data sites such as and . Enter
your zip code to investigate some health issues in your county and state.
Using data and resources from the two websites above and other sources you can find in a Google search or the WGU library, identify: a health issue in your community, a specific portion of the population in your community most effected by the health issue, the social factor or condition (social determinant of health (SDOH)) that leads to, worsens, or complicates the health issue for this specific population, and your recommended policy change to address the SDOH.
Complete the table below and email just the table to your assigned course instructor for feedback. Revise table based on CI feedback and complete below prior to submitting CPE Record:

Health Issue in My Community

Data Source

Target Population Affected (3 characteristics)

(identify just 1 social factor/condition that predisposes target population to health issue)


Recommended Policy Change

Date table was emailed to Course Instructor for feedback.


Review the Guide to Identifying a Social Determinant of Health (SDOH) and Preparing to Write a Policy Brief located in Course Tips. Part of building a successful policy brief involves generating interest in the issue by creating an advocacy action plan. Opportunity to integrate new knowledge into practice
Review the “” series presented by the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing organization. Watch the recorded video title “Creating an Advocacy Action Plan” found in Course Tips. Based on what you have learned, create a brief summary (less than 100 words) of the process you will use to create your advocacy action plan.


Search the internet and WGU Library for information on building policy advocacy in nursing. Learn more about nursing’s role in policy by visiting the National League for Nursing (NLN), site and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), site. Note the toolkits and resources available. Using what you have learned from your research, create a goal for moving your policy brief forward.

Before a policy can be formulated, it must first command attention or it will not be included on the policymakers agenda. After you have identified an issue and created a policy brief, you will need to draw attention to your policy brief so it can be included as an agenda item. This is the first stage in the public policy cycle, which is called . To start the agenda-setting phase, create a list with contact information of your local, state, and federal policymakers (e.g. Legislator, County Commissioner, School Board President, Mayor, Director of Public Health, etc.). For Federal legislators, start with to find your state’s representatives.

Using the contact information you assembled, contact one of the policymakers from your contact list to inquire about the process for agenda-setting. If the policymaker does not respond to your request for information in a timely fashion, search the internet to learn about the process for agenda-setting. (Note: You are not sharing your policy change recommendation. You are simply inquiring about the process for agenda setting.)

Based on the agenda setting process you identified, create an action plan that includes five strategies you will use to begin the process of informing the media and stakeholders of the importance of your identified policy issue.

Create a 3–5 minute video reflection discussing your Phase 1 CPE. If you have trouble with the GoReact link, you can copy and paste the URL directly into your browser: https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/173986697 What insights did you gain from the experience of researching and planning for policy advocacy? Are there things you would do differently next time you are involved in policy advocacy? Provide encouraging and constructive comments to the video reflections of two peers in GoReact.