This paper explores the role of nudges in business practices. In 2017, economist Richard Thayler won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his contribution to behavioral economics focusing on the role of nudges in business practices.
The role of nudges in business practices.
Watch the videos at . In 2017, economist Richard Thayler won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his contribution to behavioral economics focusing on the role of nudges in business practices. But these nudges have very far-reaching implications in society. Think about the following examples: In the past, users needed to opt OUT of sharing information with online sites like Facebook. Now, typically, you need to opt IN. In some countries, voter registration is automatic when a person is eligible based on census records.
The role of nudges in business practices.
Voter registration and/or voting is compulsory (required) in many countries (122 out of 226 countries or territories). Many employers nudge employees to save for retirement by making the default option to contribute to a 401k plan, where employees need to opt OUT if they do not want to contribute. Grocery stores often place sugary breakfast cereals on shelves about 3-4 feet off the ground. Setting low opioid prescription default quantities in electronic medical record orders decrease opioid prescribing by doctors for acute pain.
The role of nudges in business practices.
For the discussion: Discuss the impacts (benefits and costs) of these nudges. What are some other nudges that you may have noticed out in the “real world?” Can you suggest some nudges that would be beneficial to society? How would they be beneficial? Who should be doing the nudging, employers, government, your peer group?
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