This may be an unusual request, however, I need someone with a law major to assist me in writing a generic appeal letter to a University Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) online program. This appeal letter needs to be between 2-4 pages please. I plan to input the specifics- such as date of hospitalizations (x 2), date of specific negative encounters with my faculty, etc. The following appeal letter needs to be based off the following information: Reason for Appeal: Unforeseen circumstances required me to be withdrawn from 2 courses simultaneously. This withdrawal, per University policy, resulted in automatic removal from enrolled University program.Reason for Withdrawal from 2 courses:-Multiple hospitalizations making it difficult for me to continue to meet the milestones of the DNP curriculum.- Incohesive relationship with faculty/instructor (Same instructor for both courses)Must not bash instructor in this appeal (I can give specifics to the person selected to help me with this appeal letter)- Delay in obtaining final administrative approval for my clinical site and preceptor for my project. ****The format of this appeal letter must be professional in all aspects.