UD10-12 – Future Trends In Multicuturalism And Diversity – See Details

Use DPA8412 Global and Diverse Societies to complete the following:• In the Kivisto and Faist text, Citizenship: Discourse, Theory, and Transnational Prospects, readChapter 6, “Future Trends,” pages 130–140.ResearchComplete the following research in preparation for this unit’s discussions:• Use the Research library, the Internet, and sources other than your textbooks to locate information on 3–5 trends in multiculturalism and diversity in a global and diverse society as it relates to the field ofpublic administration. You will use the information you locate in the Future Trends in Multiculturalismand Diversity discussion later in this unit.MultimediaClick Closing Thoughts to listen to the multimedia.• In the last nine weeks, you have been asked to explore historical and contemporary theory and theapplication of public administration in a global and multicultural context. Take a few moments toreview the objectives and competencies you have achieved over this time period.[u10d1] Unit 10 Discussion 1 ?FUTURE TRENDS IN MULTICULTURALISM AND DIVERSITYThe world is changing quickly, and trends in public participation, citizenship, public trust, and public valuesare evolving just as quickly.Review the trends in multiculturalism and diversity in a global and diverse society you found in this unit’sstudy. What considerations do public administrators need to take heed of? What implications does this havefor your career as a public servant?Purchase the answer to view it