A reflection of how your life has changed/evolved as a result of the pandemic. The following are general questions to get you going (and to give you an idea of what Im looking for). · What has challenged you as a result of COVID-19? · In what way has it changed your thinking of some of the topics we covered in class food, gender, race, class, etc.? · How has this pandemic affected your perspective of food, social media, news, and/or critical thinking (such as evaluating sources/information)? · In what way has the shift into online learning affected your perspective of education, access to technology, and/or social inequity? How you answer the above questions (all, a few, or just one) is up to you. In other words, what you say and how you say it, as well as what medium you want to convey the reflection is entirely your choice. The story, nonfiction essay, poem, play, art these are all viable options in creating your reflection. But more than anything else, reflect on the impact of COVID-19 in a personal way. 2-3 pages Double-spaced Purchase the answer to view it
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