Socialization, Interaction, and Development of Self
As your supplemental reading Techno-Socialization and the Self states. The internet and digital media can play a large part in socialization and the development of the self. For this process takes place as we interact with others. For many people who live in tech-rich communities and societies. Plenty of interaction occurs online. Techno-socialization takes place as people engage with those whom they know online, face-to-face, and in both contexts (111). All of this is very important for the development of the self.
How might the theories/ideas of Cooley, Mead, or Goffman be used to explain how/why people present themselves online and how online interaction may impact their notion of self?. Please pick the theorist you like the most (Mead, Cooley, or Goffman) or also a combination of the three, and analyze, using their theoretical concepts. How they might explain selfies, posting pics, likes, comments, and other forms of social media and communication. How might they explain the presentation of self through social media? Format Requirements: 1) Firstly break your Long Discussion Post into logical, flowing sections/paragraphs. Similar to a research paper. 2) Secondly bold the class terms/concepts you use.
In Summary
3) Thirdly you must cite and bold, in-text, for any class material or outside sources in your Long Discussion Post. I have provided the exact in-text citation under each resource (see Modules). You must include a works cited at the end of your Discussion Forum post, but it ONLY needs to include your outside source(s). It is not necessary to include class material I have provided in the Modules in your works cited. 4) Cite your outside source(s) in-text and at the end of your post (works cited) in whatever format you like (e.g., APA, ASA, MLA, etc.) Links to an external site.