Question description
Please pick 5 questions and answer them. using 12 point font double space minimum of 2 pages.
What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Interacting with some of the major positions, offer a statement of your view of this.
In what ways does Scripture attest to both the humanity and the divinity of Christ?
Describe the Arian understanding of the divinity of Christ. What are the core tenets of Arianism? What were the biblical and theological arguments of Athanasius and the pro Nicenes that were made in response to the Arians?
Describe and evaluate the debates over Pelagianism (and Semi Pelagianism).
What is the meaning and theological significance of the statement that Jesus Christ is homoousios with the Father?
How are we related to and affected by the Fall? What is original sin?
Discuss and evaluate the biblical basis for the Christus Victor view of the Atonement.
Evaluate the debate over the extent of the Atonement, defending one position against the criticisms of another.
Please discuss Christs threefold office in detail. How does this apply to our lives?
Cur Deus Homo? Including discussion of recapitulation or Christ as Second Adam, offer a biblically based and well reasoned statement of the nature of the atonement.
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