looking for three separate sections on your paper, Section 1: General Goals; Section 2: SMART

Class: For this week’s assignment, you are to create three separate general goals and convert them into the SMART goal format. Then, you are to write a 500 word summary expressing your feelings on achieving your goals, once you converted them into the SMART goal format.  Below are some tips on what I’m looking for in this assignment: 1.  The general goals and the SMART goal conversion process should NOT be in paragraph form.  I’m looking for three separate sections on your paper, Section 1: General Goals; Section 2: SMART goal conversion; Section 3 Summary). 2.  In the conversion process, I am specifically looking for the format: S= ____________________________. M=____________________________. A=____________________________. R=____________________________. T=____________________________. Completed SMART goal (combine the converted goals above in a couple of sentences). 3.  When converting your SMART goals you should focus on exactly how you will achieve the goal and then, make sure you answer the basic questions on “how”, “when”, “why”, “who”. 4.  You should only have one sentence per SMART acronym, which forces you to dig deep into achieving the goal. 5.  Look for the “road map”.  If you complete the conversion process properly, you should have an imaginary visualization showing you exactly how you will achieve the goal.  I have uploaded an example of this week’s assignment below for you to review.

Sample references