significant amount of uses. You can look at modules as being packaged statements and definitions

Provide (2) 200 words response with a minimum of 1 APA references for RESPONSES 1 AND 2 below. Response provided should further discuss the subject or provide more insight. To further understand the response, below is the discussion post that’s discusses the responses. 100% original work and not plagiarized. Must meet deadline. RESPONSE 1: What are modules in Python? How can you secure Python modules? Python is an open source scripting tool that has a significant amount of uses. You can look at modules as being packaged statements and definitions wrapped in one file (“6. Modules — Python 3.8.0 documentation,” 2019). Determining what kind of use you are looking for in python you can use a module to help with these statements and definitions. The use of modules also include private symbol table. A private symbol table is used by the module as the global symbol table file (“6. Modules — Python 3.8.0 documentation,” 2019). The benefit is the author of the module can use global tables and not crash with a user’s global variables file (“6. Modules — Python 3.8.0 documentation,” 2019). A module can also import additional modules, these are usually put in the beginning of the script or module. Once imported it adds those symbols to the global symbol table as well file (“6. Modules — Python 3.8.0 documentation,” 2019). Securing python should be done as soon as the program is resourced for use. Starting with checking the hash value from the reputable source and ensure it is updated to the latest version. Using the secrete module in Python to generate random numbers, passwords, one-time passwords, and random tokens is also a good idea (“Python Secrets Module to Generate secure random numbers Guide,” 2019). Identify the necessary imports and scan them before importing. Using a sandbox environment on new modules, the closed environment will help identify malicious modules that passed the scanning portion (”Python Security Best Practices Cheat Sheet | Snyk,” 2019). Use the same method for packages when identifying what packages to download. The use of least privilege when using python will mitigate any security violation or attack by malicious actors that occur. Using least privilege and identifying the attack quickly will ensure that the minimal damage is done the machine and or network. Danny, References 6. Modules — Python 3.8.0 documentation. (2019). Retrieved from website: Python Secrets Module to Generate secure random numbers [Guide]. (2018, September 15). Retrieved December 1, 2020, from PYnative website: Python Security Best Practices Cheat Sheet | Snyk. (2019, February 28). Retrieved from Snyk website: RESPONSE 2: What are modules in Python? How can you secure Python modules? Modules in Python simply are files consisting of Python code. Modules can have set of functions, variables, classes or even a runnable code. For those reasons, names of modules in Python are names of files. There are several ways to ensure the safety of Python modules. The first thing, also the easiest one is using the most current version of Python. Using out date Python version, mean you do not receive any more security updates. Next thing you can do to secure Python modules is using a virtual environment. Virtual environment help preventing conflict in Python modules, making sure there are same modules on both local and production environments. Next thing on the list is making sure import packages the right way. There are two types of import paths in Python, absolute and relative. Understand the differences between two import paths types and know how and when to use them is important. Next is double check on coding. Python is one of the most powerful and flexible methods to format strings. Which mean, if you are not careful while using, you could accidentally create a vulnerability in your code. For example, there are strings in Python dealing with user inputs, and if not careful in using those strings, they can be misused to leak sensitive data. In order to save time, people have option to install packages through the Pip package. There are so many benefits with this option such as saving time, better application designs and performance, etc. The problem is these packages don’t go through any type of security check, which mean bad guy also can upload malicious packages and waiting for the next victim. Convenience but sometimes there is heavy price to pay, make sure on double check on any packages before install and use them. Reference: Hollander, M. (2020, May 18). Python Security Practices You Should Maintain. Retrieved December 02, 2020, from -Eric

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