September 4, 2024

Kant famously–and controversially–argued that some knowledge is synthetic a priori. Can you explain in your own words what Kant might have meant by this, and can you give an example of the sort of knowledge that Kant believed possessed this strange status? To answer this question in a clear and well-organized manner, you might want […]

own words what Kant might have meant by this, and can you give an example Read More »

own words what Kant might have meant by this, and can you give an example


15799 Based on the scenario, assess key roles of the lecture / discussion training method as it applies to today’s virtual era. Provide examples from the scenario and the textbook to support your rationale. Analyze two to three specific benefits that students can derive from the addition of audiovisual enhancements to traditional training methods. Scenario:

Traditional Training Methods” Read More »

Traditional Training Methods”

essays help

15799 Question description for the chicago area In this assignment, you will write an executive brief and strategy memo that identifies a mitigation project for your selected community. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 2-3 pages: What is the hazard/risk that you believe should be mitigated? Why is this hazard/risk a priority? What steps should

Local Mitigation Planning Read More »

Local Mitigation Planning

essays help

For today’s assignment we will explore biometrics identification. Biometrics is a security measure employed to uniquely identify individuals based on their biological or physiological characteristics. Biometrics identification Paper details: Biometrics is a security measure employed to uniquely identify individuals based on their biological or physiological characteristics. Biometrics is used as an additional means to provide



Essay writing

You  have two friends who have been struggling with exams in their classes.  They can’t figure out what they are doing wrong, so they approach you  for advice. In talking with your friends, you learn: The  good news is that you are enrolled in a psychology class that can help  both your friends improve their

You have two friends who have been struggling with exams in their classes. They can’t figure out what they are doing wrong, so they approach you for advice. In talking with your friends, you learn: The good news is that you are enrolled in a psychology class that can help both your friends improve their study habits and results on the Read More »

You have two friends who have been struggling with exams in their classes. They can’t figure out what they are doing wrong, so they approach you for advice. In talking with your friends, you learn: The good news is that you are enrolled in a psychology class that can help both your friends improve their study habits and results on the
