CMSC 243: Assignment 5: Context Diagram

CMSC243: Assignment 5: Context Diagram

You will submit the paper, Lastname_Firstname_context.docx in Blackboard

under assignments.

Continuing Case: Online Tutors, Inc.

Online Tutors, Inc. provides Online tutoring. They are doing well with

scheduled tutoring sessions, but would like to offer on demand tutoring in


Online Tutors’ president, Mary Montgomery, sent a letter to IT consultant,

Julie Martin, to help develop the system for the new services. During the

project, Julie will work closely with Ryan Lewis, who manages Online

operations. You, as an intern will assist Julie. You are eager for the chance to

make a good impression in your first professional job.


Julie Martin has completed a preliminary investigation and performed the

fact-finding tasks described in Chapters 2 and 4. Now, she will use the

results to develop a logical model of the proposed information system.

The following is scenarios roposed as possible results of the new system:

 Jennifer and Jake Lombard is one of the families that subscribe to


 They are the parents of two children: Carla is 8 and Michael is 9.

 Carla takes a piano lesson from Steve Fabio every Thursday from

4:00pm to 5:00pm

 Steve Fabio is a music teacher in an elementary school and tutors

several students for Online Tutors.

 He can tutor in piano, guitar and violin.

 Recently, Michael was struggling with long division.

 Jennifer searched through the available math tutors and found that

Mark Davis was available right then.

 She sent a tutoring request to Mark and Mark sent her a link to a

Zoom session.

 Mark worked with Michael for 45 minutes on long division.

 Mark Davis is a high school math teacher and can tutor in math for all

grades K to 12.

 The Banks family (John and Helen) has scheduled a French lesson for

their two children.


 Sandy and Robin three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

from 1:00 to 2:00 with …

 Madame Thérèse Defarge, a tutor who is a native French speaker.

 Pat Murphy has scheduled a weekly computer class for her son Bryan

who is a high school student.

 Peggy Burke who is a computer programmer will tutor him Monday

morning from 9:00am to 10:00am.

 Peggy tutors in computer basics, Microsoft Office, C++, Java and


 Recently, Bryan had a question and sent a request for an appointment

that afternoon to discuss a C++ program.

 Peggy responded that she would meet him at 4:00pm and sent a

Zoom link. They talked on Zoom for 30 minutes.

In addition, each family has an id, an email, and a credit card on file. Each

tutor has an id, an email, and bank information to make payments.


Create a professional looking document to address the issues noted below.

Be sure that you have corrected all spelling and grammar errors and clearly

label all sections of the report.

Use the information given above, and review the previous information given

about the proposed system.

1. Prepare a context diagram for the new system.

2. Prepare a diagram 0 DFD for the new system.

3. Create a Data Dictionary to show the data elements, data flows, data stores

and processes for the new system using the information in the sample

scenarios above. This should match the DFD. Include at least 3 specifications

about the format of the data.

Example: Patient Portal: Assignment



The score will be zero if you are not met any of the following requirements:

 Submit the Assignment as a Word Document.

 There is a heading with your name and description of the assignment at

the top.

 The assignment addresses the request from Mary Montgomery.


Item Points

Label every section of the assignment clearly. 3

Layout is clear and easy to read. 3

There are no spelling or grammar errors. 4

Context diagram shows all users and name of system. 6

Data Flow Diagram is correct 6

Label all arrows in Data Flow Diagram. 4

Data dictionary shows all data flows. 4

Data dictionary shows all data stores. 4

Data dictionary shows all processes. 4

Include at least 3 specifications about the format of the





Grids are not showing in the diagrams, and screen shot is of

only the diagram.




Notation is correct, symbols are consistent size, and lines

are straight.