for preschool 1-12 in Africa and also learning in a war environment in a third

Note:    (Please follow the description below to write the paper.  Please write this paper as if it were your own.  As per my personal preschool experiences Please include educational stander for preschool 1-12 in Africa and also learning in a war environment in a third world country and also I a m a person who started preschool education late) Educational Experience Reflection Paper Students will submit a personal reflection on their own preschool-12 educational experience (or the equivalent if educated outside the U.S.).  Students may elect to address a general overview of school, or focus on a meaningful experience.  Students are encouraged to consider: relationships with teachers/staff, parent/caretaker attitudes about education/school, meaningful and/or discouraging relationships or experiences, peer influences, school-community partnerships, educational access/resources, labels or tracking and/or their own views about learning.