due at the end of the semester. You may wish to have your intervention fall

HEALTH INTERVENTION PROJECT TERM PAPER The assignment is to propose a health intervention project that addresses a key health need. This will be in the form of a written paper due at the end of the semester. You may wish to have your intervention fall within one the key leading health indicator areas specified by the US government, below. Other areas are OK as well Length=no more than 8-10 pages total(around 2000-2500 words), double spaced, Times New Roman font. Please use ASA citation style at http://lib.trinity.edu/research/citing/ASA_Style_Citations_4.pdf or http://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/savvy/documents/teaching/pdfs/Quick_Tips_for_ASA_Style.pdf Elements of the Project: Title Page: title of paper, author’s name, course #, date of submission, and word count Specific Aims: state the relevance of the research problem and need for intervention. Significance and background: State the desired action and intervention target group or population(s) For example, decreasing cigarette smoking in teens; increasing immunization compliance for toddlers, healthy physical activity in seniors with diabetes, or other goal and population.  Provide background and prevalence data about the problem and the group, critically evaluate existing knowledge and studies about the group that identify the need for your intervention project. Theoretical Perspective: Describe the perspective(s) that guide your project, define the key concepts, and explain how using more than one perspective can strengthen your project design.  For example, the health belief model can be applied to interventions aimed at decreasing smoking, or improving immunization compliance, or increasing activity in people with diabetes. Other perspectives can be used as well, depending on topic and populations. Intervention Design and Methods: Describe the intervention design and the components of the intervention.  Your discussion of the intervention should address the following: describe intervention (for example, an education program on effects of cigarettes, a pediatrician comes to discuss childhood diseases to Head Start parents’ group, cooking class on making healthy foods), define the population, location of the study, number of groups, sample sizes, recruitment procedures (how will you get people involved?) human subjects protections. Describe how you will know your interventions worked (Evaluation). Describe the key process or outcome measures and how they will be operationalized (i.e., what data will be collected, questions asked, etc.). For example will, you ask people what they thought about your program? Survey, interview, focus group? Will you give them a quiz to see if they learned the material? Or will you look at outcomes? (e.g., did they smoke, get vaccinated, lose weight, decrease blood sugar level?) Time line Estimated budget References in ASA Style