(Newman, Beatley, & Boyer, 2009). For this assignment, choose a U.S. city that you are

Consider the following quote from Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change: “Resilience can be applied to cities. They too need to last, to respond to crisis and adapt in a way that may cause them to change and grow differently; cities require an inner strength, a resolve, as well as a strong physical infrastructure and built environment. (Newman, Beatley, & Boyer, 2009). For this assignment, choose a U.S. city that you are familiar with or one you would like to learn more about. After choosing a city, write at least 1,000 words, double-spaced, font size 12, answering the questions below. Before tackling the questions, you may find it helpful to review the , and specifically the City Resilience Index, which you can read about in this and on this . Feel free to use GIS, photos, maps, or other creative visual images or techniques to illustrate your point. Do not forget to provide references for where you get all your information and a bibliography with all consistently formatted references Purchase the answer to view it