For the third mini research paper please identify/select a Criminal Justice Reform Organization and write about their origin

For the third mini research paper please identify/select a Criminal Justice Reform Organization and write about their origin, how and when did they get started; what are their funding sources; what does their data show? Success rate? Staffing disciplines? What is this organization’s overarching mission. Also explain how the selected organization’s mission/focus is relevant to this course. Identify and review any research your organization engaged in as evidence of their impact and or effectiveness.
       This paper will again be worth 15% toward your final grade and is due on 12/16/23. The references used must include no fewer than 2 professional journal articles. You many certainly include more than two sources however they must all be appropriately cited within the body of your paper and on the Reference page. This assignment must utilize APA formatting. The links below will connect you to helpful resources. I have also posted a sample student paper in the course content.
Remember that the Title page and a Reference page are NOT included in the 3-page, page count.