center for infants and toddlers. You have several novice teachers on your staff whose infant

To create a poster with several guiding principles for optimizing the  physical space in an early childcare center and to evaluate your poster. You  are the director of a childcare center for infants and toddlers. You  have several novice teachers on your staff whose infant learning  environments do not align with NAEYC recommendations. After  watching the video on youtube titled, “Appropriate Learning Environments and Room  Arrangements,” you realize that the teachers would benefit from a set of  basic, recommended guidelines. You decide to make a poster to summarize  several of these guidelines, drawing from the advice of early childhood  specialists, before meeting with each teacher to discuss how best to  rearrange classroom furniture, toys, books, and so on. You annotate each guideline on your poster, explaining the advantages  from the child’s perspective. Last, you do the same, explaining the  advantages from the teacher’s perspective.