SOCW 3001 Assignment: Diversity and Multiculturalism Journal Reflection



What feelings did you experience when reading about and discussing historical oppression and institutional discrimination? This topic can be uncomfortable and you may have experienced anger, denial, blame, or guilt. Recognizing social injustices does not mean that you are taking blame for their occurrence. But you can acknowledge and empathize and also take responsibility for your role in changing the system that privileges some. 


While some privileges can be earned, a majority are unearned, provided to individuals by others in society based on an individual’s perceived membership in a group. Analyzing power and privilege is needed in order to address social injustices. That means challenging the privilege you may have and possibly accepting your discomfort as you remain open to these concepts.


Engaging in self-reflection helps you to move through discomfort to action. As you record this week’s Video Journal, reflect on the emotions you experienced this week. See if your feelings change as you continue to work through the topics in this course.


Submit a written response that is a minimum of 200 words, double-spaced. The paper should address all the same points as the video assignment. Points will be deducted for inadequate discussion and length. 

Video Journals are meant to be a safe place to process the concepts you are learning. Credit is based on submitting a video with Kaltura Media, by the due date, and meeting the minimum length requirement. Students will lose one point for every day late; however, reflective journals are accepted through Week 10. No credit will be awarded for videos that do not meet the minimum length requirement. Instructors may choose not to provide weekly feedback on journals. However, you will use self-reflective journals as part of your final project, which is due Week 10.

Note: Submission instructions are different depending on the type of Journal Reflection you choose to submit, i.e., Kaltura Media ORWritten Response. Review the following submission information to ensure your reflection is submitted correctly.



Required Readings

Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., & Rasheed, J. M. (2016). Multicultural social work practice: A competency based approach to diversity and social justice (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Chapter 4, “Understanding the Sociopolitical Implications of Oppression and Power in Social Work Practice”

Chapter 14, “Culturally Competent Social Work Practice with Native Americans/First Nations Peoples and Alaska Natives” (pp. 420–430)

Chapter 14, “Culturally Competent Social Work Practice with Persons with Disabilities Individuals” (pp. 485–491)

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers Links to an external site.. Retrieved from…

Required Media

TEDx Talks. (2014, July 23). Changing the way we see Native Americans Links to an external site.: | Matika Wilbur | TEDxTeachersCollege [Video file]. Retrieved from