Choose and respond to ONE of the questions  listed below. Your answer must expli

Choose and respond to ONE of the questions  listed below.
Your answer must explicitly draw on the concepts, theories, and frameworks from the readings and lectures of Weeks 7 and 8 (not-for-profits) and/or Weeks 9 and 10 (social entrepreneurship). You need only refer to those theories, concepts, and frameworks that are relevant to your critical reflection. 
Your critical reflective essay must articulate your own opinions and insights, but you should show how your opinions and insights have been informed by an in-depth understanding of these relevant concepts, theories, and frameworks. Since it is your own personal reflection, you should write in the first person.
Choose and respond to ONE of the following questions: 
Does the NZ not-for-profit sector (or a particular NFP organisation) play an important role in NZ society? Why or why not? Who else could perform their role if the NFP sector (or your chosen NFP organisation) didn’t exist?
Do NFP managers face unique challenges (compared to managers in other sectors) as they seek to create positive social impact? What are the causes of these challenges? How can NFP managers overcome or alleviate these challenges? 
Critically reflect on your experience of being involved with a not-for-profit organisation in New Zealand. What were your motivations for involvement? How could your experience have been improved? How might the efficacy of that organisation be improved?
What are some major challenges that social entrepreneurs face as they pursue both social and business objectives? How can social entrepreneurs overcome or alleviate these challenges? Support your reasoning with examples from social enterprises.
Which of the many definitions of social entrepreneurship in the readings and lectures do you think has the most relevant link to the concept of social impact? Why? Support your reasoning with examples from social enterprises.