NURS 4005/ NURS 4006 Week 3: Psychological Implications Resulting From Illnesses and Injuries Across the Lifespan

NURS 4005/ NURS 4006 Week 3: Psychological Implications Resulting From Illnesses and Injuries Across the Lifespan

Illnesses and injuries can arise from a variety of different situations and can result in psychological disorders. One psychological disorder that is a common complication of chronic illnesses is depression. Depression has many symptoms that can increase the risk of chronic and acute illnesses. Nurses can play a critical role in the prevention and treatment of depression by using strategies that are more holistic in nature.


Psychological implications can also arise when caring for patients with suspicious injuries or illnesses. Oftentimes, nurses notice signs and symptoms that may indicate physical abuse while conducting a health assessment interview or physical exam. Nurses have a responsibility in situations such as these to be an advocate for patients, ensuring that proper attention is paid not only to the injury or illness, but also to the psychological well-being of the patient.


This week, you will explore the leading causes of psychological implications resulting from injuries and illnesses across the lifespan. You will also examine how depression is manifested in different chronic illnesses. In addition, you will explore strategies nurses might use when advocating for patients with suspicious injuries.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze patient care challenges in relation to illness or injury resulting from depression

Analyze patient care challenges in relation to suspicious illness or injury

Analyze strategies that nurses might use to address patient care challenges

Analyze nurses’ advocacy for patients in situational contexts

Analyze legal and ethical implications related to patient care challenges

Analyze mental health across the illness/injury continuum

Analyze the role of the nurse in working through mental blocks and depression associated with an illness or injury

Analyze medical and non-medical approaches for treating mental health

Synthesize aspects of nursing practice related to mental health

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Buijck, B. I., Zuidema, S. U., Spruit-van Eijk, M., Bor, H., Gerritsen, D. L., & Koopmans, R. T. C. M. (2014). Determinants of geriatric patients’ quality of life after stroke rehabilitation. Aging & Mental Health, 18(8), 980–985. doi:10.1080/13607863.2014.899969


Haugan, G., Innstrand, S.T. & Moksnes, U.K. (2013). The effect of nurse-patient interaction on anxiety and depression in cognitively intact nursing home patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(15–16), 2192-2205. doi:10.1111/jocn.12072


Frazao, S. L., Correia, A.M., Norton, P. & Magalhaes, T. (2015). Physical abuse against  elderly persons in institutional settings. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 36, 54-60.


Liu, C. H. & Tronick, E. (2013). Rates and predictors of postpartum depression by race and ethnicity: Results from the 2004 to 2007 New York City PRAMS Survey (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System). Maternal Child Health Journal, 17, 1599-1610.  doi:10.1007/s10995-012-1171-z


Spilman, S. K., Smith, H. L., Schirmer, L. L., & Tonui, P. M. (2015). Evaluation and treatment of depression in adult trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 22(1), 17–22. doi:10.1097/JTN.0000000000000102


United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). (2014). Hidden in plain sight: A statistical analysis of violence against children. New York, NY: Author. Retrieved from


Required Media

Steiner, L. M. (2012). Why domestic violence victims don’t leave. Retrieved from