OTAP2310 Emerging Specialties in Occupational Therapy Practice Settings

Prosthetics Assignment

Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of prosthetics by applying didactic information to answer the questions below and through designing a client education handout.


1. Watch the provided video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii7ByNe5SiM and answer the following:

a) Describe how the client will use the device for each occupation in the OT domain (9). Be specific with the activity under the occupational category (9pts). For example: The client will use the prosthetic to don their pull over shirt when getting ready to go out to eat.


b) Identify and describe two teaching methods you will use with the client when instructing them to don and doff the prosthetic device. (2 pts)


c) Describe the OT practitioner’s role in this practice area and with the prosthetist. (1 pts)


2. Following #1, design a client education handout for another client who you will be working with to learn how to don and doff their new body driven prosthetic device. ** Visualize yourself reviewing the handout with your client to ensure you include relevant and important information for them to refer to while using their new equipment. The client education handout should include the following elements (1 pts per element):


a. Client demographics/date


b. A visual image


c. Wearing schedule


d. Safety considerations & Precautions


e. Application steps


f. Care instructions


g. Trouble shooting/Resources for any issues with the device


(In designing the client education handout 3 pts for maximum of one page, visually appealing, and in layman’s terms)


Grading criteria: 1 pt for each completed element.


Total points for the assignment: 22 pts


B.4.12. Train in the safe and effective use of prosthetic devices.


B.4.21. Demonstrate, evaluate, and utilize the principles of the teaching–learning process using educational methods and health literacy education approaches:


* To design activities and clinical training for persons, groups, and populations.


* To instruct and train the client, caregiver, family, significant others, and communities at the level of the audience.