discussion question WRK110-strayer university-The Confidence Advantage & SOC 105-strayer university-society in the media

I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help? Please respond to the following: The discussion questions given please produce 200 words about each numbered question. please place answers under each bullet point. In Addition a response must be given back (100 words) to the other student William Bender and Tiara Davis .“Assessing Threats to the Freedom of the Press”1. How serious are the current threats to the freedom of the press? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)“Social Networks, Social Interactions, and Exchange of Ideas and Reflection”2. From the Activity, take a position on this statement: People who resist using online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are an unusual minority in this country. Support your position with one or two examples. Reflect: Discuss the value of seeing an issue from different, and often opposing, points of view and the skills and knowledge you gained from taking this course.3. How have the strategies you’ve learned throughout this course helped you begin mastering your career confidence? Describe how you plan to use what you’ve learned to build, apply, maintain, and/or project your confidence in the workplace.What advice would you give another student regarding their plan to harness the power of their confidence at work?Sample Response & Peer ReplyHi, class. Below are a sample response and reply to the discussion question. You may use the samples to model your discussion responses this week. However, please do not copy them and post as your own. Let me know if you want me to continue providing examples throughout the term.Best, Dr. Mario Sample ResponseThe strategies I learned in this course provided me with a clear path to building confidence in my personal and professional life. For instance, Queen Latifah’s Sixth Law: Learn from the Past, has helped me focus on my former experiences to learn how to use successes and failures to improve my confidence at work and school. Now, I see the past as a valuable learning tool I can use to study my confidence journey. I plan to continue applying what I learned in this course by using my confidence crew to help me push myself to set ambitious career goals so I can launch my own business. My advice to another student seeking to improve their level of confidence at work would be to take this class! This class offers the best structure to help anyone understand the things that threaten confidence as well as strategies that create confidence. If they learn how to improve their mindset and stay positive, they will be able to apply what they learn to improve their confidence in the workplace. I enjoyed taking this class and wish everyone success in their next course. Ima Strong-Student Sample Peer ReplyHi, Ima. I enjoyed taking this class, as well. I highly recommend this course to other students because it helped me grow my confidence. To your response, I would add that students need to be able to take a close look at themselves. They must be willing to see how they think and behave through new eyes, so they can to take steps necessary for building their confidence. I took a good look at myself this term, and now I realize that I was blocking my confidence. Now, I know where my challenges lie, and I can continue addressing them so I can continue developing my level of confidence. Good luck to you too next term!Justin Thyme .William Bender How serious are the current threats to the freedom of the press? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)Hello Professor and classmates, For this week’s discussion to illustrate the level of threat which my internet research and source show that in 2018 the levels of threats in our country against journalist, and organizations that report on the news have increased. These attacks are not only verbal or written in which political figures are responding to but the reports and journalist themselves are being physically attacked. Article 1 and supporting factshttps://www.rcfp.org/pressfreedoms2018/35 reported attacks which include physical assaults to pipe bombs being mailedLeaked information from government source forced investigators to identify source of information included reports who were involved with relationships with government officialsCourts prohibit journalist and reports to publicize material or storiesReports were denied access to eventsArticle 2 and supporting factshttps://time.com/5665392/10-most-urgent-press-freedom-september/Journalist was killed when reporting in foreign countryJournalist continues to get public threats in MexicoJournalist was detained in retaliation for reporting and falsely charged or evidence was plantedReported went missing and presumed to be dead and officials in country never investigatedJournalists sent to Prison including life for reportingArticle 3 and supporting factshttps://rsf.org/en/news/media-freedom-us-under-threat-report-findsPresident attacks media on regular basis including reporting on fake newsAbility to report are being undermined by various aspects like searches, attacks, border stopsImpacts with law enforcement including arrests and assaults and rights not being consideredA shut off information being providedTo summarize these resources that reports and journalist right to publish information comes at many risks depending on the story and the location. Journalist have often gone missing, were killed, attacked or imprisoned for simply investigating, asking questions and covering topics of sensitivity across the globe. Domestically they are put under scrutiny from public officials and their credibility is often challenged. Similar to foreign reporting those who don’t agree with the writes point of view or the facts to which have been presented have escalated to higher levels of threats and violence in public demonstrations, defamation of character and mailing or placing bombs to hopefully kill or inflict harm on another person.Tiara Davis From the Activity, take a position on this statement: People who resist using online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter are an unusual minority in this country. Support your position with one or two examples. Reflect: Discuss the value of seeing an issue from different, and often opposing, points of view and the skills and knowledge you gained from taking this course.Hello Professor Mims and Class,Very interesting discussion this week as it is the last one yet. To make a statement such as the one written above, would be close-minded. If I were a person that didn’t see or understand the purpose of having to post on social media everyday, or even have any social media accounts, that wouldn’t make me any less of this society than one who does feel the urge to spill it all out on social media. What about our ancestors who didn’t have social media to rely on? They still made up a great percentage of society as a whole. I don’t believe that makes me or anyone a part of the “minority.” Just like I don’t believe people who don’t resist to operate a Facebook or Twitter account make up the majority of this country. After having taken this course, I can tell that I’m not anything like this generation. I am one who doesn’t need to spend all day looking at my phone, or scrolling my timeline, or even updating my social media accounts daily. Instead, I have found myself and am investing in my time wisely. I teach my 6 year old son who just began Kindergarten due to a late birthday. I read to him and now he reads to his 7 week old brother. Reading is extremely fundamental, but I didn’t need this course to teach me that. I hope everyone succeeds and continues to strive for their degree. Thank you and good luck in your classes!– Tiara D.