The main goal is to use these readings and other texts to make an argument about the prison industrial complex (PIC) and its relationship to gender, health, and the environment, as well as other foundational concepts
Prison industrial complex
Prison industrial complex (PIC) Paper details: Your main goal is to use these readings and other texts to make an argument about the prison industrial complex (PIC) and its relationship to gender, health, and the environment, as well as other foundational concepts we focused on in the first module of the class, particularly environmental justice, dis/ability, racism, and nation. If you find it helpful to focus your essay around a specific question, focus it around this: How does thinking about the prison industrial complex and/or people in prisons change or expand your understanding of the concepts we have been talking about this semester?
Prison industrial complex
Assignment Purpose: To deepen your understanding of the subject by providing a structure for you think through a major concept and key pieces of evidence. The important part here is demonstrating the serious thinking and the struggle to learn something, using course reading as your essential building blocks. Requirements: For this assignment, you are required to draw directly and substantially from 3-5 assigned chapters, articles, or documentaries from this module of the class. The essay should be a minimum of 1,000 words but no longer than 1,500 words.
Prison industrial complex
This should be a final draft of your work, meaning that you have read through the finished essay at least once and: corrected any grammatical or typographical errors to the absolute best of your ability, ensured that the introduction and conclusion belong to the same paper and make the same point (sometimes our intentions drift as we get writing), and made sure each part of the essay makes sense and contributes to the whole.
Prison industrial complex
You must cite any sources you consult (including those used for class), and properly quote anything you use in your essay. You should have a bibliography. If you got the idea to connect 2 concepts from something you read, you must give the author credit by citing them. These citations should be formatted according to Chicago style requirements.
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