Letter to the Ne Judicial Review Board
I need a Letter to the Ne Judicial Review Board that is going to be read and analyzed by the judicial review board. Whatever length 10-30 pages doesn’t matter whatever is necessary . The judicial review board of Nebraska the state I live in consist of three judges who will view this paper . I would like to be lengthy interviewed to explain the reasons that we are making the complaint. Also I’d like them to reference our complaints with the specific evidence that I have found already. I have the page numbers, documents highlighted no digging necessary from sources. Such as the transcript from the trial ,emails ,cps file ,and other documents .
Firstly i have about 30 sources if needed. I also need an individual who can also look up resources and facts to support my claims on their own. I need them to research a couple of the topics the judge had made a claim to supporting (things he’s has on the internet). Yet completely has failed to support those topics. The paper is to help a five-year-old child that has been removed from his home since he was two and suffered greatly from trauma. A couple examples. Of what we are including is the judge stating that the parent did not follow a safety plan. And then finding out at the trial there is no safety plan-yet finding her guilty of violating a contract that doesn’t exist.
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Knowing the worker is perjuring by them admitting to about 10 lies. Yet asking there advice on where the child should live. Failing to dismiss the trial , and the cps worker making a report the day after court the file had been stolen. And her car had been broken into, and the contrasting stories of her co worker. The judge overruling pro se motions and obliging identical ones from a attorney. My lawyer went to appeal and could not even find a case to compare it to. Holding a parent responsible when they are in another state for the other parties child endangerment which led to the removal that they where not present for . The legal system and CPS did not follow the SDM legal method that is used in this kind of case. We will reference where and show all the bias
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