peer-reviewed articles in addition to the text and video. a discussion about who may be

After watching the “The War on Drugs: Winners and Losers” video, and reading , take a stand on legalization, decriminalization, or status quo regarding how drug use is treated in our society. a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that responds to the following: What is the issue? What is your stance on the issue? Can this stance be applied universally,  or would you employ different stances depending on the substance? your position with at least three peer-reviewed articles in addition to the text and video. a discussion about who may be affected by the approach you would select, and how you would advocate for that population. your paper consistent with APA guidelines. For this paper, it is not acceptable to use political websites that are not based on sound research. You must use scholarly works that have taken a critical thinking approach versus an unsupported emotional one. Here are a few tips 1.  You have peers in this course who are familiar with the course content. 2.  Review this resource and “grade” your own paper before submission for official grading 3.  Submit your week 5 paper on time.  Even if “barely” late, one second behind the clock; the week five paper will not be accepted for grading. lease use the thesis generator to set up your paper for this assignment. Thesis Generator Purchase the answer to view it