You will be expected to provide a scholarly basis for your response. Your opinions should

For the third Case Assignment, your task is to write a paper on health care disparities in children. Specifically, (1) explain why some children may face barriers to health care because of where they live, their ethnicity, or other factors; and (2) describe a current policy that aims to eliminate barriers for children to obtain health care in the U.S. Make sure that you critically analyze the policy and provide scholarly support for your justification. You will be expected to provide a scholarly basis for your response. Your opinions should be justified with evidence from the literature. References should be cited properly in the text of your essay, as well as at the end. Several scholarly references should be cited for this assignment. Please limit your response to 2 – 3 pages. . Acevedo-Garcia, D., Osypuk, T., McArdle, N., et al. (2008, Mar./Apr.). Toward a policy-relevant analysis of geographic and racial/ethnic disparities in child health. , 27(2), 321-333. Raphael, J. & Beal, A. (2010). A review of the evidence for disparities in child vs adult health care: A disparity in disparities. (8), 684-91. Retrieved from ProQuest Vistnes, J., & Schone, B. (2008). Pathways to coverage: the changing roles of public and private sources. , 27(1), 44-56. Feeg, V.D. (2006 Nov/Dec). How Slashing Medicaid Hurts Children – and Children’s Hospitals. , 31(6), 444-445. Perrin, J., & Homer, C. (2007). The quality of children’s health care matters — time to pay attention. . 357(15), 1549. Raghavan, R., Aarons, G., Roesch, S., & Leslie, L. (2008). Longitudinal patterns of health insurance coverage among a national sample of children in the child welfare system. , 98(3), 478-484. Schoen, C., Davis, K., & Collins, S. (2008, May/Jun.). Building blocks for reform: Achieving universal coverage with private and public group health insurance. . 27(3), 646-657. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2008). Child and Adolescent Healthcare (Fact Sheet). Retrieved from Galston, W. (2007). Prospect of Child Healthcare Program in Limbo. Retrieved from Maternal & Child Health Policy Research Center (2008). Retrieved from . The Commonwealth Fund (2008). Child Health/Development. Retrieved from . The Heritage Foundation. (2008). The State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Retrieved from

Sample references