work between and , and include an explanation of how women’s changing roles in American

Goals of Paper Two ( ): (a) Study the transition of images and storylines between early and recent Disney feature film—images of manhood, womanhood, male-female relations, age, race, ethnicity, class (you would study one or more of these images). OR (b) Relate characters and events in one or more films to some historical phenomena. OR c) Combine [a] and [b] above. For example, you could do a paper on the changing perceptions of women and work between and , and include an explanation of how women’s changing roles in American society are reflected in the difference between Snow White and Mulan. 1) Please use at least one (or more than one) of the films we have studied since Paper One. You are free to use some materials from Paper One as well. 2) I encourage you to choose one other source of primary data (pictorial or factual) that you have found–such as advertisements, tables, charts and graphs, case studies, government records, etc. To find these, look on the web. You must use at least one (or more than one) of the articles we have read since Paper One. You could also draw on the articles you read for Paper One. To prepare an outline for Paper Two, please follow the steps listed below. STEP ONE: Please view as needed to prepare for writing Paper Two. If you have chosen to write on topic A, “transitions,” you will find it especially beneficial to view as well. All the films are streaming on your class website. STEP TWO Write down your main topic. This means that you must come up with a focus. For example, it is not enough to say that you want to compare and contrast and You must narrow down your idea and decide on the focus or theme of your comparison and contrast. Will you be comparing beauty standards? Leadership roles? Family roles (mother, wife, lover)? Changing images of body types? The meaning of magic in relation to gender? The changing meanings of true love and the kiss? STEP THREE Make a short list of the examples you want to use for each sub-topic. Examples include (a) specific scenes or images from the films of your choice, and (b) examples from outside sources (even if you have not found all the outside sources, list what you feel you need to find to back up the topic of your choice. d) STEP FOUR: Based on Feedback from your Peer Group, draft a formal outline. Formulate a thesis idea and classify your examples into groups and sections in a way that backs up your thesis idea.

Sample references