(bachelors program) Your tutorial will include these files: Just shoot us an email or contact

Notepad Current 2013-14 (Click on tutorial image to view snapshot) The entire course study guide includes the output file homework solution in notepad for DBM 405 Lab 7: Study Case (bachelors program) Your tutorial will include these files: Just shoot us an email or contact us via live chat. Our expert DBM tutors will add the answers to the study guide within 1 to 3 days. You will receive a free update to the study guide with the answers you need. Yes, this guide is designed to help students get through the DBM 405 Lab 7 exercise with ease. The More Movies company has hired you to redesign a database system for them that can facilitate the process of renting out and returning movies. They already have an Oracle database that stores information about movies, members who rent the movies, and the rentals. This is the database that you already have become familiar with and the one which includes tables: MM_MOVIE, MM_MOVIE_TYPE, MM_MEMBER, MM_RENTAL, and MM_PAY_TYPE. The machine on which this database is running has both the server and client Oracle9i software installed on it. Every night, a clerk updates data to account for the day’s activities, and periodically the reports are run to summarize business, show renting trends, etc. Access to the database is accomplished using a SQL*Plus environment that is very similar to the iSQL*Plus that you know from the previous database course. This business process worked okay for as long as More Movies stayed a very small business. However, the company has grown substantially, expanding its operations to more movie selection and more members, and consequently, it has moved to a larger location. It occupies a two-story shop now. It became very impractical to record rentals at the end of the day. They also do not want to rely on clerks knowing any SQL programming in order to record updates and run reports. In short, there is a need for a more convenient database system. The machine on which the database is currently running is powerful enough to host the database server. The database should be accessible from four checkout stations that process renting out and returning movies. This system should have an easy-to-use graphical user interface access. For the lab, you will be creating several documents to be submitted for the lab. Be sure that you save the documents with your last name and lab7 in the file name. Place all documents into a single ZIP file and submit for grading. Describe what software you propose to use to develop the front-end GUI application for the new system. Be sure to justify your choice. Keep in mind portability, ease of use, scalability, and ability to update. What other options have you considered? In setting up the servers and environment, do you propose to use middleware? If so, what kind, and where would you deploy it? Provide a system diagram of the proposed system. Be sure to include such things as servers (application and database), user clients, and any other special pieces to the puzzle that you might think of. Provide a detailed design of the GUI screen that facilitates renting out and returning movies. For every button, or other component that provides reaction to user’s events, give detailed pseudocode. Also, clearly indicate where you would use any of the PL/SQL code that you developed for the labs in this course. If the application platform you have selected does not support PL/SQL then describe how you would take the processing developed in the procedures and functions and incorporate it into the system.