cogent, and creative manner; demonstration of the interrelationships between various theories, ideas, concepts, and paradigms

(3-4 double-spaced pages) on the reading themes in the textbook (e.g. “Language and Communication” or “Ethnicity and Race”).  Using the chapters assigned for your chosen theme from the textbook, briefly summarize the main arguments of the articles A         Clear mastery and understanding of material that is demonstrated through active engagement and critical analysis; synthesis of course material in a concise, cogent, and creative manner; demonstration of the interrelationships between various theories, ideas, concepts, and paradigms that are used accurately B         Active engagement of ideas, concepts, and theories, but occasionally vague or imprecise. Generally well-written. C         Basic understanding of the substance of course material; application of concepts and ideas are superficial and do not clearly demonstrate student comprehension of the material; imprecise or erroneous use of language and concepts D         Incomplete grasp or use of course material; failure to address the topic of the assignment