to the perpetuation of lies about Jews? (You need to use your imagination. The answer

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Antisemitism in story: From the Early Church to 1400 Topic: Antisemitism in story: The Early Modern Era, 1300-1800 Topic: Antisemitism in story: The Era of Nationalism, 1800-1918 Questions 1. What did Christians, and in particular Christian clergy preach to their followers about the Jews? 2. Take a look at the five different reasons given for the consolidation of Christian antisemitism in the Middle Ages. Why do you think they contributed to the perpetuation of lies about Jews? (You need to use your imagination. The answer is not spelled out in the test. Instead look at the reasons and try to make educated guesses. Americans value this type of assignment for students.) 3. What stereotypes did Jews find in medieval, Christian Europe? 4. Who do you think was responsible for spreading antisemitism in late antiquity and the Middle Ages? (You will need to draw on your notes to class.) 5. Why do you think Christian rulers interested in building up their political power would invite Jews into their territorial states? 6. How did the reliance of Christian political leaders impact antisemitism? 7. During the Enlightenment, how did western European leaders differ from eastern European leaders in terms of policies toward Jews? 8. Which stereotypes emerged in central and eastern Europe in the early modern period? 9. How did political developments in Europe impact Jews (both positively and negatively)?

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