Communication Strategy Assignment). This assignment will help you with the Strategic Plan Project that is

You have a choice for the Week 4 Communication Strategy Assignment. Choose from one of the three activities below. You will submit this for your weekly assignment (titled Week 4 Communication Strategy Assignment). This assignment will help you with the Strategic Plan Project that is due at the end of week 7. Activity 1 Plan, Research and prepare a presentation on a Communication Strategy 100 mins Activity 2 Write down a Communications Strategy for a sport entity 100 mins Activity 3 Research being used in sports & at stadiums 100 mins Prepare a 10 PowerPoint slide presentation on a Communications Strategy on: “Increasing match attendance for women’s football (Soccer) in the US” OR “Increasing college football attendance for Husson University”. This is to be a presentation (PPT). Minimum of 10 slides. NOTE: This will help you prepare for the Strategic Plan Project. Your Communication Strategy assignment should include: An introduction Mission and vision of your campaign 1 or 2 clear objectives Key audiences, messages & channels i.e. the BIG idea for your campaign Timetable of key activities with dates Resources i.e. who will do the work and pay Risks and mitigation Means of evaluation Approvals / sign-off process Minimum of 500 words. NOTE: This activity will prepare you for the Strategic Plan Project that is due at the end of week 7 Research and learn new technologies being used in sports at stadiums. Have you noticed any new technologies in the marketing of the sport industry? Minimum of 500 words.