Problem Statement: A Currency broker company has asked us to build a system that notifies them when a currency pair rate reaches the target rate. User configures the currency pair and target rate.The URL to get the Rates in XML form: http://rates.fxcm.com/RatesXMLExample of the rate: 1.380221.380421.382661.37634010:42:43Here Bid is the current rate. Ask is the suggested sell rate. High is day high, Low is day low, Direction is 1=>up, -1=>down, 0=>no change compared to last rate, and Last is the time for last tick.Design considerations:-1. You will need a parser to parse the XML. There are several examples online.2. Start with hard coded user configuration. For example. Pair: EURUSD, Target rate: 1.381 3. Make it user entry once you have working code.4. You will periodically check the rates, consider using a schedular.4. For notification, we will assume that there is a system that will be called to notify users. You only display it on the screen if target has been reached.