Client And Problem

Part One: should be a 1 page paper in proper A PA format.Part Two: should be a 2 to 4 page paper in proper A PA format.Part 1. Identify the ClientStep One this week is to identify a client for whom you will act as a consultant. The client can be your own work group or company, a family business you are involved with, a business you worked for previously, a volunteer organization you work for or have worked with, or a public company. The client you choose should be a small group or organization in which you can influence change in your role as a consultant. Please do not select “the military” or “the U.S. government” or “Giant XYZ Corporation.” However you may choose a small entity, such as a work group, within any of the larger organizations. For example, if you are in the military, focus on your group. If you select a Giant XYZ Corporation, select the department. Part 2. Identify the ProblemStep two is to identify a problem or issue that is impacting performance in the organization. With your knowledge of the client you have identified and the learning you have acquired to this point, identify a management problem you will investigate and for which you will provide recommended solutions. If you are working with a supervisor or manager, you may want to consult with them to complete this step. Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 1 Lessons folder (look for the Lessons tab on the l.h. side in this classroom) to help guide you in identifying a management problem in your work environment. Complete a 2-4 page paper discussing the client and the management problem you will explore during this course.Purchase the answer to view it