levels of communication. The sections you can choose from are below and they align with

Please read through these extensive assignment instructions carefully. If you allow yourself enough time on this assignment, you can work with an : In this course, you will complete that build on each other to facilitate your progress. . From the sections of our course textbook on communication theories, you will choose to base your three Theoretical Review papers on. For the Theoretical Review Paper_3, you will work with the either: Groups/organizations, Culture, or Public/Media levels of communication. The sections you can choose from are below and they align with the sections of the course textbook. The communication levels and corresponding textbook sections on communication theories are: From each section, you will select a theory you will research and write about in your Theoretical Reveiw Paper. For the first Theoretical Review Paper you will select theory/theories from (1) The Self and Messages (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7); choose one theory to research. For example, here are some topics that other students have previously chosen: ” ” Find having to do with the theory you chose and the aspect of communication you chose. You may have to play with the key terms and you may also have to adjust the communication aspect. For example, search “symbolic interactionism” and intrapersonal communication, or just search “symbolic interactionism” and from the results, search for the topic that is interesting to you. It takes time to find articles about the theory and communication aspect; be patient and persistent. Here are examples of the Review of Literature: In addition to those questions, be sure to think about and include some thoughtful discussion on: Also, think about: Respond to each of the above questions in relation to your preferred topic, and then Here are some examples  of research questions from previous Communication Theory students here at FIU: All writing assignments must be submitted to Canvas submission boxes by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted. Once your paper is uploaded to the appropriate Canvas submission box, it will be reviewed by Turnitin; you must have a Turnitin percentage no higher than to receive credit for the assignment. Late work is only accepted due to extenuating circumstances for which medical documentation must be provided within one week. Late work is accepted only with the instructor’s express approval, based on medical documentation for the need to submit late work. Late work is subject to a deduction for each calendar day that it is late.

Sample references