Technology And Privacy In The Workplace Discussion – Module 11

Using the attached article that illustrates an ethical issue regarding privacy in the workplace. Obviously, technology is a factor affecting privacy, but it is not the only factor. Identify the ethical issue and include that in the title of your assignment. Answer the following questions:1. What are the basic facts of this example? 2. Who are the stakeholders besides the obvious employee/employer?3. Address any alternatives in handling this situation. Use moral imagination.4. How would you handle this situation? Remember, you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Base your decision upon the facts, the stakeholders, and the various theories for evaluating the alternatives.The assignment should be limited to one thorough yet concise paragraph. Concise means you use only the necessary space to accomplish your objective. It does not mean short; you must be thorough/complete AND concise. Please make sure to proofread for writing errors. Purchase the answer to view it