10, Marijn Janssen MariaA.Wimmer Ameneh Deljoo Editors, (2015)) that this document relates

Please review the article attached. Identify at least two learning objectives from Info Tech in a Global Economy(Text book: Policy Practice and Digital Science, Integrating Complex Systems, Social Simulation and Public Administration in Policy Research. Volume 10, Marijn Janssen MariaA.Wimmer Ameneh Deljoo Editors, (2015)) that this document relates to. This article is about IT strategy and investment. Without using direct citations, which means dont use more than a sentence here and there, and they must be cited, please explain what the article is about, why this is relevant, and how this relates to the two or more learning objectives identified from the textbook. Please make sure that you are using your own theoretical analysis and not copying and pasting from other articles. 3 pages in length, double spaced, APA formatted. Please note that the three pages is just the main body and does not include the title page, reference page or any other section that you add that is not the main body.